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FAQs Frequently Ask Questions?

Why choose American Pros?

We have over 60,000 pros registerded to our website.

Our pros are Top-Rated and must have excellent reviews by local clients, A+ with the BBB, and pass a criminal backgound check.

American Pros does NOT sell your information to anyone or, any contractors. Your information will be maintain private and only be given to the pro the best fit your project and needs.

100's are ready to work for you in your LOCAL area!


Do I have to pay to use this service?

No, Our service is FREE. you do not pay anything to use our service. 

Who receives my information?

Your information will be sent to a Pro or Contractor that best fit your project request and/or needs.

Are the Pros and Contractors background check?

Yes, all of our Pros and Contractor MUST pass a criminal background check and be in good standing with the Better Business Bureau. 

Do you sell my information?

No, we do not sell or share your information with anyone. Your information is kept safe and secure and is only given to one of our registered contractors.

How Long Have You Been in Business?

American Pros has been in Business over 13 years since 2010.

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